1080° Snowboarding (1998)
1080° Snowboarding, initially released on the N64 in North America on April 1st 1998, is among the best-selling snowboard racing games and well known for its excellent controls as well as outstanding gameplay. Due to its success on the N64 it was later re-released for the Wii virtual console in early 2008.
First released
Feb 28, 1998
1080 Snowboarding
Developed by
Nintendo EAD
Nintendo 64, Wii Shop, Wii U, Nintendo Switch
Sports, Snowboarding/Skiing
- N64 - 1080° Snowboarding United States
- N64 - 1080° Snowboarding United Kingdom
- N64 - テン・エイティ スノーボーディング Japan
- N64 - 1080° Snowboarding (Player's Choice) United States
- WiiU - 1080°: TenEighty Snowboarding [US NTSC Version] Australia
- WiiU - 1080°: TenEighty Snowboarding [US NTSC Version] United Kingdom
- WSHP - 1080° Snowboarding Japan
- WSHP - 1080° Snowboarding United States
- WSHP - 1080° Snowboarding United Kingdom