Takeshi no Chousenjou (1986)

1.00 from 1 votes
Known outside of Japan as "Takeshi's Challenge", this game is an unconventional action-adventure platformer created by famous Japanese comedian Beat Takeshi. Along with its open world exploration and mature themes, the game is known for its unorthodox game progression (where the game can easily be made unwinnable).
First released
Dec 10, 1986
Takeshi's Challenge, Takeshi no Chōsenjō, Takeshi no Chosenjo
Developed by
Taito Corporation
Published by
Taito Corporation
Nintendo Entertainment System, Wii Shop, iPhone, iPad, Android
Platformer, Action-Adventure
  • ANDR - Takeshi no Chousenjou Japan
  • IPAD - Takeshi no Chousenjou Japan
  • IPHN - Takeshi no Chousenjou Japan
  • NES - Takeshi no Chousenjou Japan

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