Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!

3.50 from 24 votes
Play as Buzz Lightyear as you run, jump and swing your way to victory through 15 levels of intense platforming action where you help out Mr. Potato Head find his body parts and collect coins to defeat your foes.
First released
Toy Story 2: The Video Game, Toy Story 2: Action Game
Disney, Pixar, Toy Story
Developed by
Traveller's Tales Ltd., Tiertex Design Studios
Published by
Activision, THQ
PlayStation, Dreamcast, Nintendo 64, PlayStation Network (PS3), PC, PlayStation Network (PSP), PlayStation Network (Vita)
Platformer, Action-Adventure
  • DC - Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! United States
  • GBC - Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! United States
  • N64 - Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! United States
  • PC - Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! United States
  • PS1 - Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! United States
  • PS1 - Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! (Collectors' Edition) United States
  • PS3N - Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! United States
  • PSPN - Disney Pixar Toy Story 2 United Kingdom

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*Warning: spoilers* Absurdly good Disney game, mind blowing
When thinking about Disney themed video games, I mostly think about cheap adaptations of the Disney story with some quick and lame puzzles to solve and some rushed levels to cash in on the success of the movie.

With Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue, my mind was blown and it is still the best Disney based game I’ve played so far.

In the basics, it is just what I described earlier. An adaptation of the movie that follows it one on one. The only difference is that the levels in this game are surprisingly well done. They are full of stuff to do and give an open world feeling. Your objective in every level is to collect five tokens of the Pizza Planet by completing a mini game, beating a unique mini boss, collecting fifty coins, collecting five small NPC characters like sheep’s, army men, duckies or green aliens and by winning a timed race. The ways to do this change in every level and no level looks the same.

When collected enough tokens, you can progress to the levels ahead, which increase in difficulty. You visit every famous scene from the movie and unlock more story video clips when progressing. In the end, you save your old pal Woody, just like in the movies. The level design is so good in this game that I sometimes forgot that I was playing a simple Disney movie adaptation.

The graphics are colorful but nothing special. The controls are a little slippery sometimes but work fine most of the time. You got a nice stomp attack, can whack enemies with your wings and, of course, shoot your death ray laser to blow them up.

Your enemies are all evil toys, deployed by your arch nemesis Emperor Zorg.

What sets Toy Story 2 apart for me, is the excellent music. It is amazing to hear such perfect tracks in a simple game like this. The battle with the plane on level 3: Bombs Away blew my mind in terms of the fight track behind it. It felt like one of the most glorious battles I had in a while, playing videogames. Too bad that I could only hear twenty seconds of the track, because the boss is ridiculously easy, but most of the time I let him live for three minutes, until the track is over. The upbeat music, in combination with the roaring engine over your head and the dive attacks in which he tries to pump you full of lead is just epic.

Another note of excellent music, in combination with the level design and objectives, is level 10: Elevator Hop. This level changes it scenery, ambience and overall feeling out of the blue. All levels where colorful and jolly before, now you get in a dark and grim maze. This feeling is enhanced by the music and the total confusion on where to go. It is really well designed. To top it off, the mini boss is horrifying for this kid game in my honest opinion.

The same goes for the Emperor Zorg battle on the small elevator. This fight also felt like a Dark Souls boss battle for some unexplainable reason.

The end bosses are also really dark and grim and the overall feeling of this fight is, yet again, more epic and glorious than it has the right to be. I think it is the music again in this stage.

Overall, Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue is an excellent game and by far the best Disney adaptation video game of them all.

No matter how old you are, you should finish this gem from the past at least once in your life.
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